Rakhi compares 'hiding' Veena Malik to Saddam, Osama and Gaddafi
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
“Saddam Hussein was found by American troops hiding in a little bunker in Iraq. Osama Bin Laden was found by American forces hiding in a house compound in Pakistan.
Muammar Gaddafi was captured by rebel militia while hiding a drain underneath a road in Libya. And Pakistani starlet Veena Malik was found by the Indian media hiding in a suburban hotel in Mumbai, ” shoots India’s biggest firebrand Rakhi Sawant in her inimitable style.
Veena who is all set to participate in a televised Swayamvar titled Veena Ka Vivah on Imagine TV, a programme Rakhi made famous with her participation earlier, has been in the news for her nude photoshoot in FHM magazine this month.
Rakhi believes Veena has insulted all Pakistanis, including the country’s governance, military and intelligence, by getting an ISI tattoo painted on her hand while doing the controversial FHM photoshoot.
She says, “Veena is doing all kinds of cheap gimmicks to gain publicity for herself and the show. I can bet she will not marry anyone on it. She is fooling the whole of India, Pakistan and even her own family.
She has given her boyfriend Ashmit Patel’s residence address on the legal notice she has sent to FHM. On one hand, she is in a live-in relationship with Ashmit, and on the other hand, she wants someone else to marry her.”
“I won’t be surprised if Veena now comes up with a break-up publicity stunt with Ashmit to make her Swayamvar drama look credible.When I did Swayamvar, I went with a clean intention and open mind. But all this marriage business by Veena in India is a farce and the Indian audiences are being fooled in the name of a sacred institution like marriage.”
“Which self-respecting man will marry a girl who has done a nude photoshoot and is living-in with another man. This is just the beginning. As time goes by I will expose her completely. Even Bal Thackeray has said today that Veena should be sent back to Pakistan.”
Rakhi’s publicist Dale Bhagwagar says, “Veena may not be a bad person, but it seems she is not in control of her PR activities, and they end up like publicity stunts.
Today, PR is an intriguing mind game in a media minefield. With the kind of reach PR has, it becomes extremely important to keep ethics in mind while executing promotional strategies and branding brands.
Otherwise, a PR can end up misleading society and causing havoc. And sadly, that’s what seems to have happened in Veena Malik’s case.”